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#50 | Matan Tal- Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail & Appalachian Trail

#50 | Matan Tal- Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail & Appalachian Trail

Matan Tal Hiked the Appalachian Trail, a 2,190 mile trail that crosses 14 States, and The Pacific Crest Trail, a 2650 mile trail that spans from Mexico to Canada.


Matan explains what it’s like to lose yourself in hiking for days on end.

Matan talks on trail angels - former through hikers who provide food to the ravenous hikers at different access points on the trail, pranking fellow hikers with a clock reminiscent of Flava flave, community and more!


#51 | Eugene Capon - VR Evangalist

#51 | Eugene Capon - VR Evangalist

#49 | Andrew Cline - Crossing The Ice Fields of Patagonia

#49 | Andrew Cline - Crossing The Ice Fields of Patagonia